Organisation & Transformation in the Digital Age
14 Feb 2014 430 hits
Klout, Pulse, Paper... Latest news on the wall front....

Klout, Pulse, Paper... Latest news on the wall front....

Klout becomes Social, LinkedIn and Facebook turn to mass media... What next?

Just yesterday Klout announced officially that they revamped their website, to add new features.

Their email claims that: 'This new version was developed with one simple truth in mind: the best way to make an impact online is to share great content.'

In the same time, Facebook launched 'Paper', its new mobile app, and LinkedIn launched 'Pulse' its featured news service. 

Interestingly, while these companies used to push people's contents publishing, they are now backing and favoring contents monetization, in other words, they want to make a living now. Placing sponsored contents and adds rather than letting people finding their own sources...It is true that due to the multiplicity of 2.0 contents, quality and pertinence have gone down as a whole. It becomes more difficult to find off-mainstream information, most of it has already been shared, reshared, liked and tweeted. It does not mean that it is the best possible information available, that these shared contents are the best... just that they are available, have been published in a way that guaranteed a better visibility,and so are more likely to be shared.

In the search for quality information, such apps allow for contents aggregation, some from your traditional sources (social networks, rss feeds...), and some carefully selected (and should I say negociated), mainstream media and contents providers. Institutionnal content, is often pertinent and of quality when it does not come down to pure marketing, but often, it is not properly distributed on networks, not shared and so it remains invisible. Creating great content is one thing, giving them visibility on Social Networks is another.

Hence the move by Klout, which allows for multiposting on your different social media accounts (FB & Twitter so far), as well as a scheduling feature.

All these features already exist in our app 'Social Dynamite' which allows for the creation of distribution scenarios, through the use of 'ambassadors' accounts who will automatically reshare the information, adding their network to the overall reach of the news. And so this last move from Klout does not surprise us, as we have been advocating the same thing for quite some time now:

Create great content, use social media to spread the news and share, engage and develop business and opportunities. Remember, sharing content for the sake of it might be pleasant and a great self image enhancer. But at the end of the day, what counts is how much business and notoriety you have generated.


Marciano Alves 

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